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Share Certificates

Small deposits with big returns, that's what UnitedOne's variety of certificate investment options offer you. It's time you started earning more with your money and a UnitedOne Share Certificate is how it's done.

Share/IRA Certificate Rates
Effective Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Share TypeMinimum Balance to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY
11 Month° $5,000 4.038% 4.100%
3 Month** $1,000 2.477% 2.500%
6 Month** $1,000 2.722% 2.750%
9 Month $1,000 3.698% 3.750%
1 Year $1,000 2.722% 2.750%
1 Year Jumbo $10,000 2.820% 2.850%
2 Year $1,000 2.673% 2.700%
2 Year Jumbo $10,000 2.771% 2.800%
4 Year $1,000 2.094% 2.110%
4 Year Jumbo $10,000 2.192% 2.210%

*APY = annual percentage yield.  
** = Indicates certificate is not available as an IRA.
° = Indicates a $5,000 minimum deposit required. 


Share Certificates questions? We're happy to help!

Call or text us at (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan or email us at Savings@UnitedOne.org.

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