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Credit Union Fees: How to Avoid a Fee

It is our goal for you to keep as much of your money in your pocket as possible. Below are some tips on how to avoid getting fees so you can save more.

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Share Account Fees
DescriptionFeeHow to Avoid or Reduce the Fee
Dormant Account (no activity for 12 months) $5 per month Transact some type of business, such as making a deposit to the account, to keep it active. Consolidate accounts.

Checking Account Fees
DescriptionFeeHow to Avoid or Reduce the Fee
Checking $5 per month Maintain a total daily balance of $500 between all deposits under the same account number or have direct deposit to the checking account.
Dividend Checking $7 per month Maintain a minimum daily balance of $1,000 in this account.
EasyOne Checking $5 per month Use Digital Banking or debit card at least once per month.
AchieveOne Money Market $15 per month Maintain a minimum daily balance of $25,000 in this account.
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) $28 Monitor your account closely with a balance Alert in Digital Banking. Arrange Overdraft Protection with our Kwik Cash Line of Credit.

Other Service Fees
DescriptionFeeHow to Avoid or Reduce the Fee
Account Research/Reconciliation $30 per hour Look to Digital Banking and E-statements for account history when possible. Archive your E-Statements.
Bill Payer Inactivity Fee $6 after 60 days of non-usage Use Bill Payer to pay at least one bill each month.
Cashier's Check/Money Order $3 per item Ask about the benefits of a UnitedOne checking account.
Copies of Paid Checks, Statements & Account Activity $6 per item Access copies of cleared checks, E-Statements and account history for free using Digital Banking, with the ability to archive them.
Bad Address $7 per occurrence Please notify us when you move to update your address. Update your email address using Digital Banking.


Questions? We're happy to help!

Call or text us at (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan or email us at mail@UnitedOne.org.

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