Enjoy quick and hassle-free access to your paycheck with our seamless direct deposit service.
Get access to your money sooner! With free Direct Deposit, your income check is securely deposited directly into your choice of checking or savings account for immediate access – with no chance of delayed, lost, or stolen paper checks. Use this convenient service for:
Talk to your employer’s payroll representative or your government agency representative today! You may be able to sign up entirely over the phone, online, or you may need to complete an authorization form. In all instances, you will need to provide UnitedOne Credit Union’s ROUTING NUMBER: 275979173, and your credit union checking or savings account number.
Call or text us at (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan or email us at mail@UnitedOne.org.
Checking Accounts Visa® Debit Cards Savings Accounts Join UnitedOne
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